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Mulberry festival in Armenia

5-th mulberry fetsival held in Armenia on 6-th of July. The event is not only considered as an ineresting entertainment for the tourists but also promotes developing of importnant for tourism sphere infrastructures and saving ancient traditions of the Armenians. All the festivals of the country have those same important purposes.

As mentioned the director of the fund “Areni Fetsival” Nune Manukyan, the purpose of the festival is to increase development of innner tourism of Armenia. She also claims that the creation of highly-demanded  touristic product and providing of brands of every region of Armenia is needed.

“Now Goris vodka is under branding, as once we did with Arnei wine”- she said.

The festival held this year in Karahunge village in a beautiful mulberry-tree garden.


Festival is a good platform for the revival of forgotten Armenian traditions.

The visitors of the festival could look the process of cooking of home-made mulberry vodka, mulberry doshab (Kind of syrop), mulberry jam, dried mulberry.


Nune notes that nowdays in Armenia event tourism is very popular and that there is a great cultural potential in provinces of Armenia. And the festivals are the best way to open it up. 

The most part of festivals in Armenia are in provinces. This is the guarantee that tourism is in need of decentralization.

She also added that such festivals affect positively on infrustructures of the provinces which develops tourism.



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Source: https://good.newsarmenia.am/news/society/kraski-i-vkus-festivalya-shelkovitsy-eksperty-rasskazali-o-razvitii-turizma-v-regionakh-v-armenii/

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